In cooperation with renowned interior designer, Nate Berkus, LG has launched a new Studio line for its kitchen appliances. The new finish to hit the markets with a splash is the new black stainless steel. Not quite the black appliances we have seen prior, this finish differentiates itself with a super rich finish that eminates warmth and richness when seen in person. Situated in one of our most trusted appliance suppliers in Brooklyn, NY, I had the privilege of hearing Nate Berkus talk of some of the inspirations behind this new finish, the thought behind the process, and some of the philosophy behind his work. Berkus talked of how the kitchen truly becomes the hub of the house, where the homeowner will want to invest the most in- the room where the day starts and often ends; where children's artwork is hanging; where teenagers go for snacks. Berkus also talked of the process of compiling hundreds of pages of different finishes and materials to come up with the new finish and the overhaul of the overall look an design of the appliances to a handsome, rectilinear designs with even some brass touch finishes. The LG president emphasized the importance of the technology behind the smudge-proof finishing going along the grain of the steel; the energy-saving goal behind the see-through glass refrigerator door; among other features. Berkus was thoughtful and deep, his work stemming from a life-long philosophy that a person's home should tell a story. Berkus wanted the rectilinear lines to be complementary to both traditional and modern designs. The goal was not to create a new Sub-zero or Wolfe line, but a step ahead of the traditional stainless steel into something warmer, richer, & more beautiful as well as functional. Will the black stainless be the new stainless steel?